The Chart Of Accounts - FACE master file is used to group the chart of accounts based on the company's face of the fianancial statements. The system is shipped with a default Chart Of Accounts - Face. You can update it based on your audtited FS. Coordinate with your sysetm developer if you added new record as this may affect any reports using this file if not properly setup.
Step-by-step instructions:
1. Open Cenral Menu
2. Select System->GL
3. Double-click Master Files -> Chart Of Accounts - FACE. You will be redirected to Chart Of Accounts - FACE tab window.
4. Review and update the records. The following columns must be filled-up properly
•OrderNo refers to the sort order
•AccountFaceID refers to the ID number. Please don't edit existing ID, you can add additional IDs based on your audited fs.
•AccountFaceDesc refers to the description to be shown in the FS. You can edit existing description to conform with your audited fs.
•Normal Balance refers to the usual balance of the account (Debit or Credit).
•IsNominalAccount. Check this column if the account is nominal and subject to closing entries.
•WithNote. Check this column if you wish that Face will have detailed accounts in the Notes report.
•Status. A=Active, I=Inactive.
5. Click Save. You can update this file from time to time.