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Document Numbering Mode




The document numbering mode refers to the way that the system will generate number for a given document. Currently the system supports the following four numbering mode:

1. Manual mode. This means that the user must encode the number manually. This is usually used for document with pre-printed number. Ex: ORs and Sales Invoices.

2. Continues mode. This means that the system will generate the number sequentially for each document. Example of documents that usually used this mode is Check Voucher

3.Yearly mode. This means that the system will generate the number sequentially every year. The generated number also include the year as prefix. Ex: 201900001 for first number in the year 2019. Ex: APV or DV

4. Monthly mode. This means that the system will generate the number sequentially every month. The generated number includes the year and month as prefix: Ex: 20190100001 for first 4 digist refers to the year and the 5 and 6 digist refers to the month and the rest refers to the document number in sequence order.

Other than the manual mode, the document number column is usually locked for editing as the system will be the one to generate the number.

The system also supports padding of document numbers for uniformity of length. This is usually represented by the column with name DocDefinedLength. The value refers to the length of the document. Ex: Document with defined lenght of 5 will be 00001.






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